Setting Fallout 4 Part 1 (of 2) – How the West Was Fun
November 16, 2024But to do so would be to miss the point more than your Facebook friend who...
Video Game Review: Mass Effect: Leviathan and Extended Cut DLCs
November 15, 2024The premise itself is sinister; an elusive entity called the Leviathan proves all too tempting a...
Setting Fallout 4 Pt. 2 (of 2) – On The Road Again!
November 12, 2024For what I'm discussing today is nothing short of pure, unadulterated (but hopefully still informed) speculation!...
Video Game Review: Borderlands 2
November 5, 2024At some point, perhaps in the middle of a gun battle against bandits protected by shields...
Video Game Review: Assassin’s Creed 3
October 22, 2024This front of AC3’s story is thankfully stronger, weaving an interesting and refreshingly mature narrative about...
Putting the Assassin’s Creed Franchise Under the Knife – Part 1
October 17, 2024The word “Assassin” in the title is increasingly becoming the biggest lie in the series, and...
Tiger Woods Needs to Start Thinking in Portals
October 7, 2024The Portal franchise is a beautiful anomaly of the gaming world - the Coup de Ville...
Backlog Video Game Review #1: The Walking Dead
October 3, 2024With their licensed tie-in to Robert Kirkman’s The Walking Dead, Telltale proves once again that worthwhile...
Backlog Video Game Review #2: XCOM – Enemy Unknown
October 1, 2024This ability to win battles but lose the war, especially on the higher difficulties where the...
Backlog Video Game Review #3: Far Cry 3
September 29, 2024You can’t make Apocalypse Now with an MTV cast.