Blu-Ray Review: The Cabin In The Woods
November 14, 2024

Halloween Home Video #7: Darren Lynn Bousman’s The Barrens
October 31, 2024
No Heroes Need Apply
August 10, 2024By the time we come to T.S. Eliot, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Ernest Hemingway in the...
Book Review: Myths from Mesopotamia by Stephanie Dalley
August 8, 2024I asked them why they, unannounced, wished to meet with the director and they told me...
Blu-Ray/DVD Review: The Wicker Tree
July 18, 2024The rites themselves have changed in practice if not in spirit, and the movie rekindles enough...
Book Review: Ragnarok: The End of the Gods
June 21, 2024Obsessed with the idea of apocalypse, the child whose world is on the verge of unwinding...
True Blood Recap: Season 4 Bites Deep (But Doesn’t Suck)
May 11, 2024For those who have not been scared off by now, I think we could all use...
Movie Review: The Troll Hunter
April 21, 2024The idea of hunting mythical trolls with the technological advantages of modern storm chasing and large...
What Is Best In Life? Not Conan 3D, Barring A Miracle
April 12, 2024Borne on the crest of the wind, I hear already the lamentation of women. Women whose...