Stories By Dan Fields
Trailer Watch: The Expendables 2
January 5, 2025Whatever you felt about the The Expendables, you are meant to feel ten times over about...
Movie Review: Chernobyl Diaries
December 27, 2024What it is, though, is a robust specimen of a very particular kind of movie. It...
Movies & TV
Trailer Watch: Les Misérables
December 25, 2024This is, in showbiz terms, the textbook definition of "a big deal." After all this anticipation,...
Trailer Watch: Django Unchained
December 22, 2024After countless musical and stylistic hints in films like Kill Bill and em>Inglourious Basterds, Quentin Tarantino...
Movie Review: Safety Not Guaranteed
December 21, 2024Safety Not Guaranteed is a movie that creeps up on you, in a very friendly and...
Movies & TV
Trailer Watch: Wreck-It Ralph
December 21, 2024What sounds funnier: a genre-hopping quest across the video game spectrum by a generic galoot drawn...
Movie Review: Brave
December 17, 2024This is not your typical Disney princess rendition of romance. In fact, it has no essential...
Singin’ In The Rain: A 60th Anniversary Celebration
December 7, 2024It is more than just one of the all-time greats, grouped with the likes of Casablanca...
Trailer Watch: Paranormal Activity 4
November 29, 2024Paranormal Activity, now the reigning monarch of name-brand Halloween flicks (after the merciful retirement of Saw...
Movies & TV
Trailer Watch: Brandon Cronenberg’s Antiviral
November 24, 2024Cronenberg's target is the cult of celebrity. As ravenously as we seek to expose and share...