All posts tagged "horror film"
The Weekly Listicle: From the Mouths of Babes…Kids and the Supernatural
May 10, 2024This weekend’s Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (which I saw at a film festival last...
The Weekly Listicle: Scary Movies For The Whole Family!
March 6, 2024The Weekly Listicle presents Scary Movies For The Whole Family. Not kids movies with Halloween themes,...
The Weekly Listicle: Franchises that REALLY should have quit while they were ahead!
February 29, 2024First, there was the Resident Evil video game. The people were satisfied with their zombie killing...
Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan, the Horror and Beauty of Ballet
February 28, 2024Portman has never looked quite so spooky: the Black Swan poster. Once upon a time, I...
The Final Word: Is horror better left off-screen?
February 4, 2024Welcome back to The Final Word, a running feature from me (Julia Rhodes) and William Bibbiani,...
The Fourth Wall
The Weekly Listicle: Best Horror Movie Villains EVER.
February 2, 2024This week marks the opening of yet another horror remake: the new Nightmare on Elm Street...
The Great Music Videos #2: “Thriller” (dir. John Landis)
January 24, 2024Jackson as a zombie in “Thriller” William Bibbiani noted in the Great Music Videos #1 post...