Stories By Jascha Kessler
Frau Braun and The Tiger of Auschwitz
August 9, 2024The principal accused was an Auschwitz commandant, one Wilhelm Boger, whose sobriquet was “The Tiger of...
Book Review: Myths from Mesopotamia by Stephanie Dalley
August 8, 2024I asked them why they, unannounced, wished to meet with the director and they told me...
Fiction Reviews
Centuria: 100 Ouroboric Novels by Giorgio Manganelli
August 6, 2024Americans in this therapy-mad epoch tend to take, rather mistake, an “experience” for that fateful “event.”...
Non-Fiction Reviews
Between Alpha and Omega: Some Observations on Poetry and Poetry’s Task in our Time
July 23, 2024We lived heretofore in the multitude of villages scattered world-wide amongst the ruins of the Tower...
Archival Culture(s)
July 22, 2024It is scarcely news that in a vast, pluralistic country like the United States, minorities should...
Non-Fiction Reviews
Book Review: In the Basement of the Ivory Tower by Professor X
April 8, 2024X’s short 21 chapters of informal prose mix the personal-poignant and social-pathetic. They illuminate the pathology...
Non-Fiction Reviews
The Second Book of the Tao
December 21, 2023The principle idea at the core of Existentialism was the denial of Descartes’ I think, therefore...
Non-Fiction Reviews
The Travels of Marco Polo Translated by W. Marsden
December 21, 2023It seems that world is more fantastic than our own travel brochures today can suggest for...
Non-Fiction Reviews
Whatever — Whatever?
December 19, 2023One wades through an awful lot of pretentious chatter published when a new production of a...
Who is Rita, What Was She?
December 15, 2023Rita murmured in that, silky, sultry voice from so very long ago, “Enough crap, big boy....