Stanley Kubrick: The Legacy of a Cinematic Legend
August 13, 2024Many continue to see the director’s films as cold and cynical, as being somehow stripped of...
The Life of R.K. Narayan
August 12, 2024R.K. Narayan Narayan’s fiction rarely addresses political issues or high philosophy. He writes with grace and...
Goethe and Tagore – Unexpected Interests
August 10, 2024Goethe and Tagore, separated by time and contexts, but joined in their great felicity over the...
A Toast to Tristan Egolf
August 10, 2024He would furiously lead anti-war marches weekly on our courthouse steps. He improvised chants and picket...
Frau Braun and The Tiger of Auschwitz
August 9, 2024The principal accused was an Auschwitz commandant, one Wilhelm Boger, whose sobriquet was “The Tiger of...
Horace Greeley: Champion of American Freedom byRobert C. Williams
August 9, 2024Horace Greeley is a familiar name, but how much do today’s Americans know about him? Most...
Devil In The Details – by Jennifer Traig
August 6, 2024All parents of adolescents despair of them, particularly those with teenage daughters. Endless hours on the...
Campus Sexpot by David Carkeet
August 5, 2024Naturally, the publishing of this book complete with its intrigue, loose morals, and the real citizens’...
The Breaking Point: Hemingway, Dos Passos and the Murder of Jose Robles by Steven Koch
August 4, 2024A ghost is a spirit who won't stay dead.
American Sucker – by David Denby
August 3, 2024The emotional trauma exposed a vulnerability that lay beneath all outward signs of success: a career...