All posts tagged "Renaissance"
Non-Fiction Reviews
An Interview With Biographer James Connor
July 24, 2024"This means that we are a people who now live in that shadow world of quasi-existence....
Art & Design
Rembrandt and Degas: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
June 30, 2024But before he retreated into his private realm of race horses and ballet dancers, Degas was...
Art Review: The Renaissance Portrait from Donatello to Bellini, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
June 14, 2024In his Portrait of a Young Man, painted in 1478, Antonello fused the psychological intensity of...
Purity and Danger: The Many Lives of the Italian Renaissance
May 9, 2024More importantly, the good-for-you, vitamin-enriched Renaissance we know today is itself a fairly recent, and largely...
Art Review: Rembrandt and the Face of Jesus, Philadelphia Museum of Art
May 5, 2024Living in close proximity to the growing Jewish population of Amsterdam, the biblically-minded Rembrandt experienced an...
Art Review: Cities of Splendor: A Journey Through Renaissance Italy, Denver Art Museum
April 16, 2024The shepherds look up in bewilderment at the announcing angel whose golden halo, rose-pink robes, and...
New Insights Into the Life of Caravaggio
March 27, 2024In his most serious brawl, about which the documents provide an entirely new account, Caravaggio killed...
Non-Fiction Reviews
Book Review: How to Live: Or A Life of Montaigne in One Question and Twenty Attempts at an Answer by Sarah Bakewell
March 9, 2024Born nearly five hundred years ago, Montaigne was one of the last great thinkers of the...
Fiction Reviews
Book Review: The Elephant’s Journey by Jose Saramago
February 29, 2024Saramago’s ability to wring delightful dialogue out of his characters will charm just about anybody. The...
Art Review: Albrecht Dürer: Virtuoso Printmaker at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
February 8, 2024The earlier prints from each series are flatter, the lines more bold and calligraphic, the details...