All posts tagged "Movies"
A Look Forward: March, 2013 Movies
September 17, 2024I think it's fair to say that 2013 has been less than impressive when it comes...
Much Ado About Joss Whedon
September 15, 2024Is Joss Whedon's biggest year ever taking a second lap?
The Weekly Listicle: Shameless Oscar Bait
June 16, 2024If Oscar bait works on you, then you'll treasure the film all your life and hate...
The Best And Worst Movies Of 2011
June 15, 2024A look back at the best and worst movies of 2011 from Brett Davinger and Dan...
The Weekly Listicle: The Stage On Screen
June 9, 2024As the holiday season builds to its peak, we movie watchers face a release pattern that...
The Weekly Listicle – Car (and Chase) Movies That Don’t Run On Diesel
April 13, 2024This week Fast Five - which, as its title rather subtly implies, is the fifth film...
2011: Armageddon Comes Early To Hopeless Film Geeks
April 9, 2024Before the year is out, we may see all the weirdest and most controversial filmmakers of...
ActionFest 2011 Wrap-Up
April 9, 2024ActionFest: The Film Festival with a Body Count! Even though it’s only in its second year...
The Weekly Listicle – Evil Houses, Evil Locations…Simply Evil
April 6, 2024Welcome to another entry in the Fourth Wall Weekly Listicle, a weekly tour through the cinematic...
The Weekly Listicle: The 10 Best Videogame Movies AREN’T Based On Videogames
March 16, 2024So where exactly are the good videogame movies? They’re everywhere, if you know where to look....