All posts tagged "Middle Ages"
Crossing Borders: Manuscripts from the Bodleian Libraries — Jewish Museum of New York
November 9, 2024To look at one of the treasures on display in this wonderful exhibit, the Kennicott Bible,...
Art & Design
Byzantium and Islam: Age of Transition, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
July 15, 2024The Metropolitan Museum exhibition charts the fascinating, if complex, process of cultural transformation that took place...
Movies & TV
In Case You Missed… Christopher Smith’s Black Death
April 26, 2024Most movies like Black Death exploit the historical context to take shots at organized religion with...
Art Review: Albrecht Dürer: Virtuoso Printmaker at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
February 8, 2024The earlier prints from each series are flatter, the lines more bold and calligraphic, the details...
Art & Design
A New Look at Rome’s Rousing Middle Ages
December 23, 2023When its doors first opened in 1734, the Capitoline Museum, which stands upon the hilltop that...
Non-Fiction Reviews
The Travels of Marco Polo Translated by W. Marsden
December 21, 2023It seems that world is more fantastic than our own travel brochures today can suggest for...
Fiction Reviews
Agincourt by Bernard Cornwell
December 13, 2023Much more serious, though, is the book’s take on the medieval world as a whole. Alongside...
Non-Fiction Reviews
God’s Crucible by David Levering Lewis
November 22, 2023For English-speaking peoples, 1066 and 1776 still evoke powerful recollections of liberty lost and freedom won....