All posts tagged "hollywood"
Movies & TV
Charlie Chan: A Hero of Sorts
October 17, 2024An ethnic image is tricky, full of half-truths and snapshot attributes. In the Chan mysteries, there...
Stanley Kubrick: The Legacy of a Cinematic Legend
August 13, 2024Many continue to see the director’s films as cold and cynical, as being somehow stripped of...
The Big Country: How the West Finally Won
July 22, 2024It’s not a classic in the sense of Casablanca or Citizen Kane, but it’s a kind...
Movies & TV
The Weekly Listicle: The Dark Side of the [Holly]Wood
May 1, 2024Hollywood, California. Tinseltown. The City of Dreams. Land of the Giant Sign. The Big H. Where...
Fiction Reviews
Book Review: Tell-All by Chuck Palahniuk
February 21, 2024Tell-All follows the general plotline of the movie Sunset Boulevard, which pairs a down-and-out young writer...
Marlee Matlin: Bold Moves and Few Regrets
December 18, 2023"I worry about nothing except doing work that I like and that I look at as...
Hollywood Lives: George C. Scott and Tony Curtis
December 7, 2023At the airport, customs agents discovered a bag of marijuana and a handgun inside his baggage....
Home: A Memoir of My Early Years by Julie Andrews
November 24, 2023Again, it took an intervention, this time by Moss Hart, to point her in the right...
Fiction Reviews
True Grandeur is a Hollywood Novel for the 21st Century.
November 14, 2023True Grandeur, written by Hollywood actor, writer, and filmmaker Cal R. Barnes, has generated near-universal acclaim...
Fiction Reviews
Trashed by Alison Gaylin
November 10, 2023These driven individuals scour celebrity garbage cans, pose as anyone but themselves, lie as though the...