All posts tagged "Clint Eastwood"
Movies & TV
Trailer Watch: Django Unchained
December 22, 2024After countless musical and stylistic hints in films like Kill Bill and em>Inglourious Basterds, Quentin Tarantino...
The Weekly Listicle Analyzes History’s Greatest (And Not So Greatest) Leaders
May 29, 2024A discussion about biopics centered on national leaders.
Movie Review: J. Edgar
May 29, 2024In an interesting twist, the movie calls its own account of history into question, and that...
The Weekly Listicle: Method In Our Movie Madness
May 18, 2024The practice of blessing mass entertainment with the bard's prose confers a kind of loftiness upon...
The Weekly Listicle: What… The Devil?
February 27, 2024A fascination with the supernatural, and particularly its dark side, dates back to the earliest days...
Non-Fiction Reviews
Hollywood Lives: George C. Scott and Tony Curtis
December 7, 2023At the airport, customs agents discovered a bag of marijuana and a handgun inside his baggage....