Fiction Reviews
The Works of Max Crawford
January 23, 2025Being a serious writer in a time when swill by corrupt business tycoons, politicians and not-funny...
Non-Fiction Reviews
Walking It Off – by Doug Peacock
January 23, 2025Doug Peacock’s reputation frequently precedes him as does that of his late, larger-than-life friend and father...
Non-Fiction Reviews
The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East by Robert Fisk
January 21, 2025The title of Fisk’s new work is a mocking one, taken from a campaign medal his...
Non-Fiction Reviews
The War of the World: Twentieth-Century Conflict and the Descent of the West by Niall Ferguson
January 21, 2025Niall Ferguson is hot—about as hot as a historian can get.
Non-Fiction Reviews
Wade Hampton: Confederate Warrior, Conservative Statesman by Walter Brian Cisco
January 21, 2025Biography, if it serves the reader, is best written not only with the exploits of the...
Non-Fiction Reviews
I, Wabenzi: A Souvenir – by Rafi Zabor
January 21, 2025Although this is a sly, sidelong-glance kind of book that repeatedly takes you to a different...
Non-Fiction Reviews
The Union: England, Scotland And the Treaty of 1707 – by Michael Fry
January 21, 2025The story of modern Britain – at least one of the stories – begins some three...
Non-Fiction Reviews
The Uncivil War: Irregular Warfare in the Upper South 1861-1865 by Robert R. Mackey
January 21, 2025Army Major Robert R. Mackey, currently assigned to the Pentagon, has written a much-needed study of...
Non-Fiction Reviews
The Truth About Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What To Do About It – by Marcia Angell
January 21, 2025When AstraZeneca was on the verge of losing its patent to manufacture exclusively the $6 billion...
Fiction Reviews
The Translation of Dr. Apelles: A Love Story – by David Treuer
January 21, 2025The novel’s postmodernism is not its strongest or even its most salient feature; and comparing the...
Fiction Reviews
The True Account: A Novel of the Lewis and Clark and Kinneson Expeditions by Howard Frank Mosher
January 20, 2025Enter Howard Frank Mosher and his delightfully picaresque novel THE TRUE ACCOUNT – A Novel of...
Non-Fiction Reviews
The Conservative Bookshelf by Chilton Williamson, Jr.
January 20, 2025There is a small cadre of American writers whose gifts and talents are so significant that...
Fiction Reviews
The Trade – By Shirley Palmer
January 20, 2025Matt Lowell is a character straight out of central casting for the Lifetime Network. He’s a...
Non-Fiction Reviews
Stories From the Haunted South – by Alan Brown
January 20, 2025An old Cornish prayer that has become part of the American lexicon goes, “From goulies and...
The Taking – by Dean Koontz
January 18, 2025Dean Koontz has always been a master of plot, dialogue, and description. His talents are such...
Fiction Reviews
Stewball – by Peter Bowen
January 18, 2025I’ll begin by saying that I enjoyed immensely the first seven or eight novels in Peter...
Fiction Reviews
Temping – by Kirby Olson
January 18, 2025Milhouse Moot, the narrator of Kirby Olson’s autobiographical comic-allegorical novel, is severely depersonalized, rendering the story...
Non-Fiction Reviews
The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic – by Chalmers Johnson
January 18, 2025Back in 2008 the United States had what was called a “California style” referendum. Empire or...
September Swoon: Richie Allen, the ’64 Phillies, and Racial Integration by William C. Kashatus
January 18, 2025For Philadelphians over a certain age, the year 1964 evokes bitter memories of a Phillies team...
Non-Fiction Reviews
In the Rose Garden of the Martyrs: A Memoir of Iran – by Christopher de Bellaigue
January 18, 2025Americans would be well advised to learn about Iran’s culture and tragic recent history before our...
Fiction Reviews
No Man’s Dog: A Detective Sergeant Mulheisen Mystery – by Jon A. Jackson
January 14, 2025In No Man’s Dog Jon Jackson weaves a curious juxtaposition between his long-time hero “Fang” Mulheisen,...
Movies & TV
House Recap: ‘The C-Word’ (Season 8, Episode 19)
January 8, 2025That wasn’t as bad as I feared. Wilson’s alive (for now) and it looks like next...
100 Greatest Gangster Films: Charley Varrick, #78
January 8, 2025Few filmgoers noticed Charley Varrick when it came out in 1973. After all, The Godfather, that...
Fiction Reviews
Hannah Coulter – by Wendell Berry
January 8, 2025There was a time, not many decades ago, that most of America’s population labored on family...
Non-Fiction Reviews
Gen·e·sis: The Scientific Quest for Life’s Origin by Robert M. Hazen
January 24, 2025In all the recent noise over the higher steps of evolution and the proper way to...
The Dawn of Egyptian Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
January 8, 2025The statue is nicknamed “The Lady of Brussels” because its home museum is in Belgium. It...
Non-Fiction Reviews
What The Buddha Taught by Walpola Rahula
January 23, 2025What The Buddha Taught accurately describes itself as a reliable introduction to Buddhism. As a religion...
Family Values
January 31, 2025Their glossy and frequently rather smug “postmodernism”, which refuses to acknowledge any authority other than previous...
Non-Fiction Reviews
Out of Thin Air: Dinosaurs, Birds, and Earth’s Ancient Atmosphere by Peter Douglas Ward
February 5, 2025In an age when ad agencies regularly apply “revolutionary” to new car models and digital toys,...
The Bloodiest Day: December 6, 1967
January 23, 2025In Lieutenant Morris’ words, “We moved into the woods and within minutes all hell broke loose.”...